
Churchdown Cubs

The Cubs section is for Girls and Boys aged 8-10. Here at Churchdown Cubs it’s all about learning new skills and getting out into the open. At Cubs we start to learn some of the more grown-up skills that you wouldn’t be able to do in Beavers such as cooking on an open fire, building tents and structures, map skills and leadership. We explore many different themes from Healthy eating to Road Safety to hiking and camping. A big part of Churchdown Cubs is about having fun. We always start our evenings with a game and encourage lots of running around and fun.


Badges are the basis of our evenings where over a period we work on the criteria to achieve the badge. A lot of badge work is done within troop evenings or days out but there is also the chance to learn new skills and complete these at home. Recently some of the badges we have covered are: Road Safety, Healthy Eating, Map skills, Local Knowledge, Craft and Disability Awareness.


A big part of being a Churchdown Cub is getting outdoors, within our programme we learn skills and techniques to be able to camp away, cook and navigate ourselves on a Hike. As much as possible we try to get away and experience new places. Including day trips to Cranham and various County Cub events as well as our annual Cub camp which normal takes place over a bank holiday weekend in May. We have visited places such as Churchdown Fire Station and Hiked around Churchdown on our annual Night Hike.

When and Where?

Churchdown Cubs meet on Wednesdays between 6:30 pm and 7:45 pm at our own headquarters Brown Lodge Church Road in Churchdown Village

Brown Lodge: Churchdown, Gloucester GL3 2ER

"I like Cubs because I learn new skills, See my friends and play games"
Cub Scout