
Churchdown Scouts:

Churchdown Scouts: Scouts is the third section in the Scouting family. These are boys and girls aged 10½ to 14. As well as life skills, our Scouts learn leadership skills, teamwork, to try new things and build on their existing skills. This involves a lot of adventure.

Adventurous Activities: Scouts at Churchdown enjoy many activities including kayaking, hiking, map reading, cooking, geocaching, biking, climbing, archery, shooting, camping skills, pioneering and fire lighting to name just some. Whilst at Scouts you can work towards many different badges covering nearly every hobby, from painting to circus skills, DIY to martial arts, photography to dancing, there is even one for enjoying watching sport! Scouts also have a series of challenge badges and if they complete nine of these they are awarded the chief-scouts-gold-award, the highest award they can achieve in the Scout section.

 Working Together: Our Scout Troop covers a selection of schools, so your child will make new friends. Scouts work in Patrols to encourage teamwork and helping each other. One of the Scouts in a Patrol is the Patrol Leader, who is generally older and looks after new Scouts, to make sure that everyone gets their say and passes on skills.

Nights Away: Churchdown Scouts enjoy many nights away experiences, generally there are three camps a year. These include our Winter Camp, where we normally have inside accommodation and complete several onsite activities. We may also visit the local area around our campsite. Our Spring Camp is held over the first of the May Bank Holiday weekends. This is a Greenfield Camp, where we camp out and enjoy the weekend together. Our Main Summer camp is 9-days. This is again a Greenfield Camp where we camp away in a field and cook on an open fire, learn camping skills, and have a range of activities every day throughout the camp.

A typical Summer Camp could have the following types of activities; kayaking, archery, shooting, biking, hiking, geocaching, pony trekking, go-karting, laser combat and Patrol Challenge. There will also be an Inspection of Patrol areas, a cooking competition and campfire as well as a day out in the local area.  All the Volunteers have the right experience and training to handle the adventure.

What’s Next? When a Scout gets to 14, they move onto Explorers and start their next adventure! Explorer Scouts are run at the District level although we at Churchdown have a partnership agreement with Phoenix Explorers who are then technically part of our Group.

When and Where? Churchdown Scout Troop meets on Tuesdays, during term times, between 7:45pm and 9:15pm at our Headquarters, Brown Lodge.